Exceeded expectations! Exceeded expectations based on reviews and photos.
Feb 2, 2024
A wonderful hotel that exceeded expectations based on reviews and photos. Excellent location between Unawatuna and Gale, it feels like you are living on the ocean in your home, silence with the sound of the waves, a sense of privacy against noisy streets and other beaches. Cozy, very large rooms all with ocean views. The renovation is recent, everything works, there is a safe, a kettle, coffee, tea, all shower accessories, mattresses and pillows are new. A nice bonus upon check-in: handmade soap with a wonderful scent to choose from. Your own beach, which is protected from the scorching sun, from strong waves, from unfamiliar passers-by, where you are not afraid to leave your things and it is always clean! There is always a place on a sun lounger. Sometimes I was alone on the beach, calm… A magnificent restaurant on the ocean. We had breakfast and dinner included. Breakfast to choose from. Always fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices, delicious coffee. The eggs will be prepared in 5 different variations, from hard-boiled to poached eggs, served with bacon or sausage. Every morning fresh pastries, different breads, butter, jams. Five-course dinner: salad, soup, aperitif (frozen pineapple in the form of a scoop of ice cream), main course of your choice: fish (tuna, shrimp, squid), meat, Sri Lankan food, pizza, and dessert: fruit or pastries. In fact, every evening for all 10 days we ate different dishes in an excellent restaurant with excellent service. There was no thought of having dinner anywhere else. Personal thanks to Ranjith and his team! The most valuable thing about this hotel is the staff who are always ready to help, and at the same time absolutely not intrusive. We would like to thank all the hotel staff and the restaurant chef for a wonderful vacation! Wonderful hotel, which exceeded expectations based on reviews and photos! Excellent location between Unawatuna and Gale, it feels like you are living on the ocean in your home, silence with the sound of the waves, a sense of privacy against noisy streets and other beaches. Cozy, very large rooms all with ocean views. The renovation is recent, everything works, there is a safe, a kettle, coffee, tea, all shower accessories, mattresses and pillows are new. A nice bonus upon check-in: handmade soap with a wonderful scent to choose from. Your own beach, which is protected from the scorching sun, from strong waves, from unfamiliar passers-by, where you are not afraid to leave your things and it is always clean! There is always a place on a sun lounger. Sometimes I was alone on the beach, calm… A magnificent restaurant on the ocean. We had breakfast and dinner included. Breakfast to choose from. Always fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices, delicious coffee. The eggs will be prepared in 5 different variations, from hard-boiled to poached eggs, served with bacon or sausage. Every morning fresh pastries, different breads, butter, jams. Five-course dinner: salad, soup, aperitif (frozen pineapple in the form of a scoop of ice cream), main course of your choice: fish (tuna, shrimp, squid), meat, Sri Lankan food, pizza, and dessert: fruit or pastries. In fact, every evening for all 10 days we ate different dishes in an excellent restaurant with excellent service. There was no thought of having dinner anywhere else. Personal thanks to Ranjith and his team! The most valuable thing about this hotel is the staff who are always ready to help, and at the same time absolutely not intrusive. We would like to thank all the hotel staff and the restaurant chef for a wonderful vacation!

Превзошел ожидания! Exceeded expectations based on reviews and photos.
Прекрасный отель, который превзошел ожидания по отзывам и фото. Отличное расположение между Унаватуной и Гале, создается впечатление, что живешь на берегу океана в своем доме, тишина с шумом волны, ощущение уединения против шумных улиц и других пляжей. Уютные, очень большие номера все с видом на океан. Ремонт свежий, все работает, сейф есть, чайник, кофе, чай, все душевые принадлежности, матрасы и подушки новые. Приятный бонус при заселении: мыло ручной работы с великолепным ароматом на выбор.
Собственный пляж, который защищен от пялящего солнца, от сильных волн, от незнакомых прохожих, где не боишься оставить свои вещи и он всегда чистый! Всегда есть место на лежаке. Иногда на пляже я была одна, спокойствие.. Великолепный ресторан на берегу океана. У нас был включен завтрак и ужин. Завтрак на выбор. Всегда свежие фрукты и свежевыжатые соки, кофе вкуснейший. Яйца приготовят в 5 разных вариациях, от вареных вкрутую до яйца пашот, подают с беконом или сосиской. Каждое утро свежая выпечка, разный хлеб, масло, джемы. Ужин из пяти блюд: салат, суп, аперитив (замороженный ананас в виде шарика мороженого), основное блюдо на выбор: рыба( наелись тунца, креветок, кальмаров), мясо, шри-ланкийская еда, пицца, и десерт: фрукты или выпечка. Фактически каждый вечер все 10 дней мы ели разные блюда в отличном ресторане с превосходным сервисом. Мысли ужинать в другом месте и не было. Персональное спасибо Ranjith и его команде!
Самое ценное в этом отеле- это персонал который всегда готов помочь, и в то же время абсолютно не навязчив. Благодарим за прекрасный отдых весь персонал отеля и шеф повара ресторана за крутую работу!
Wonderful hotel, which exceeded expectations based on reviews and photos! Excellent location between Unawatuna and Gale, it feels like you are living on the ocean in your home, silence with the sound of the waves, a sense of privacy against noisy streets and other beaches. Cozy, very large rooms all with ocean views. The renovation is recent, everything works, there is a safe, a kettle, coffee, tea, all shower accessories, mattresses and pillows are new. A nice bonus upon check-in: handmade soap with a wonderful scent to choose from. Your own beach, which is protected from the scorching sun, from strong waves, from unfamiliar passers-by, where you are not afraid to leave your things and it is always clean! There is always a place on a sun lounger. Sometimes I was alone on the beach, calm… A magnificent restaurant on the ocean. We had breakfast and dinner included. Breakfast to choose from. Always fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juices, delicious coffee. The eggs will be prepared in 5 different variations, from hard-boiled to poached eggs, served with bacon or sausage. Every morning fresh pastries, different breads, butter, jams. Five-course dinner: salad, soup, aperitif (frozen pineapple in the form of a scoop of ice cream), main course of your choice: fish (tuna, shrimp, squid), meat, Sri Lankan food, pizza, and dessert: fruit or pastries. In fact, every evening for all 10 days we ate different dishes in an excellent restaurant with excellent service. There was no thought of having dinner anywhere else. Personal thanks to Ranjith and his team!
The most valuable thing about this hotel is the staff who are always ready to help, and at the same time absolutely not intrusive. We would like to thank all the hotel staff and the restaurant chef for a wonderful vacation!

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